Saturday 19 January 2013

Woe is me

I just got back from my IELTS exam and I honestly think that I sod up my Writing and Speaking tests. Hence, I'm feeling a little down in the dumps.

During the 2 hour wait for the Speaking interview to start, I tried to calm myself by reading Crime and Punishment (didn't work) and listening to Cabin Pressure (made me giggle like a buffoon in the lounge). During the course of the interview, I stuttered and and was often lost for words. Half the time, I was trying to make up stuff to say because a) the topics were mundane and b) nothing noteworthy ever happens in my life.

The examiner had a fake smile on the entire time which I found a bit disconcerting. I suppose you can't blame the old bird. If I were her, I'd want to stick a pencil into my forehead, just to rid myself of the monotony. But hey, that's just me.

On a lighter note, I finally got my prescription glasses - Ray Ban frames and Nikon lenses. The lenses were pretty expensive and they make me feel like I have two camera lenses on my face. The weight of the high-prescription lenses cause it keep sliding down my nose. Hopefully, I can get it adjusted accordingly soon.

I included the following picture because it cracked me up. You have be warned.

Enough hogging the camera A! Now here's a close-up the frames. It's a pair of Wayfarers with a dark blue gradient (ombre?)

Next week, on the 24th, I'll be heading back to Sri Lanka for a 2 month long holiday. The past 6 months have already been like a really, really long holiday but I guess I was too busy to enjoy. University, visa, IELTS and all that jazz.

I'm going to go watch The Legend of Korra now. Bye!

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