Thursday 25 October 2012

The last two days of my life were absolutely excruciating. Why? Forms! Bloody, torturous forms! I've been filling out a gazillion forms and writing letters for visa-related purposes from the moment I wake up in the morning till past midnight. Oh joy of joys.

Well, enough of that. I'm sure it's no better reading about the horror of forms than filling them out.

All I crave for right now is a long, uninterrupted sleep, hopefully exceeding 12 hours, followed by an even longer dunk in the hot tub, while watching Sungkyunkwan Scandal on my laptop. Yup, that sounds just about perfect.

In other news, I bought a shoe-shelf at k-mart today. It's great how much neater my room is after I stuffed all my shoes in the closet. If you're wondering what the weird, furry thing jutting out of the shelf is, well...

They're my bear feet! Grawr! I should really wax my feet and clip my toenails, eh?

I decided to include this picture of a clothing brand I recently discovered called Public Enemy. I love the bold prints! They're my of my absolute favorites in my (sparse) wardrobe.

So that's about it for today, folks. I'll leave you with a song by 2NE1 to groove to. This song has gotten me up out of my life's low points innumerable times so it's definitely worth a play!


PS: I caught a bit of a documentary called 'Graffiti Wars' this morning and it got me really interested in their whole 'culture'. I found a great site called ldngraffiti which made me appreciate graffiti art on a whole new level. get well soon, King Robbo!

Tuesday 23 October 2012

My internal clock is pretty messed up these days. Could you believe I slept past 2pm today?

Anyway, I tried to make up for lost time by straightening the apartment a little. I had almost forgotten to bake the chicken that was marinating in the fridge that my mother had fixed the previous night.

Here's the delicious result after 40 minutes or so of baking. This picture does no justice to it whatsoever. I had already started digging into it before I remembered to take a picture, as you can clearly see from the fork sticking out of the chicken's side.

This is the tree directly outside my bedroom window. I have no idea what it's called but it sure looks really soft and fluffy, kind of like cotton.

My mother got me the Bioré Triple Action Toner that I'd been lusting after! She'd been making fun of my recent fad for skincare so her buying this for me was a surprise. I just love Bioré! Though I've only used three of their products so far - Moisture Lotion and Original Deep Cleansing Pore Strips, they have all proved to be consistently good, if not excellent, in delivering exactly what the labels say. The triple action toner made my skin feel soft and dewy, rather than drying it like most toners are notorious for. Ah, dabbing toner on my face is one the best feelings ever!

Alright, alright. Enough fangirling over Bioré. I'd better hit the hay now if I am to wake up early tomorrow. Goodnight!

Monday 22 October 2012

First post, first impressions

Hello there Blogosphere!

Since this is my first post, I suppose introductions are in order...even though it feels like I'm talking to myself here. Well here goes...

I'm a 17 year old Sri Lankan girl, currently living in Sydney, Australia. I recently moved here after completing my UK A Levels in Sri Lanka. At the moment, i'm busy (clearly not since I'm writing this post) with the maddening frenzy of university applications, personal statements and so on.

My primary interests include watching anime and TV series, reading books, watching crime investigation documentaries, cross-stitching, sleeping excessively, Asian culture...ah, the list goes on and on!

Hopefully, I will be able to document bits and pieces of my life in this blog for my personal use, if not for your own entertainment. Whoever you are!

These are the books I've bought so far in Sydney from underground bookshops, thrift markets, k-mart etc. All in all, not a bad start to the collection, eh?

last week, my mother bought this marvel's avengers t-shirt for me after she saw me less than inconspicuously clawing at it in the store. best of all, it was priced at just $20! i was honestly ready to sell my soul to buy marvel merch. at times like these, i really do love my mother.

Meet my new friend, or rather the 'only' friend I've made after all the weeks in Sydney. And not a very good one either. He is my neighbor's cat & I've seen him only twice so far. Our first encounter was when I spotted him pooping in the grass outside my window. Love at first sight? You could say that!

And finally...

Isn't this hilarious? Two of my favourite celebrities in one single brain cannot process so much epicness.

I have a feeling I'll continue to be this random in future posts.

Until next time, cheers!