Tuesday 23 October 2012

My internal clock is pretty messed up these days. Could you believe I slept past 2pm today?

Anyway, I tried to make up for lost time by straightening the apartment a little. I had almost forgotten to bake the chicken that was marinating in the fridge that my mother had fixed the previous night.

Here's the delicious result after 40 minutes or so of baking. This picture does no justice to it whatsoever. I had already started digging into it before I remembered to take a picture, as you can clearly see from the fork sticking out of the chicken's side.

This is the tree directly outside my bedroom window. I have no idea what it's called but it sure looks really soft and fluffy, kind of like cotton.

My mother got me the Bioré Triple Action Toner that I'd been lusting after! She'd been making fun of my recent fad for skincare so her buying this for me was a surprise. I just love Bioré! Though I've only used three of their products so far - Moisture Lotion and Original Deep Cleansing Pore Strips, they have all proved to be consistently good, if not excellent, in delivering exactly what the labels say. The triple action toner made my skin feel soft and dewy, rather than drying it like most toners are notorious for. Ah, dabbing toner on my face is one the best feelings ever!

Alright, alright. Enough fangirling over Bioré. I'd better hit the hay now if I am to wake up early tomorrow. Goodnight!

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